
Revenue: Private Sources
Foundations/Corporations $1,967,013
Earned Income/Fee for Service $1,038,129
Individuals/Bequests $599,005
Other Revenue $90,974
Investment Income $623,891
Special Events (Net) $1,009,166
Total Private Sources $5,328,178
Revenue: Public Sources
Chicago Department of Public Health (Federal $) $11,758,678
IL Dept of Public Health (Federal $) $8,597,502
IL Dept of Human Services $563,343
U.S. Dept of Housing and Urban Development $6,071,943
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness $1,641,986
NIH (passed through) $198,770
SAMHSA $432,986
Miscellaneous $274,968
Total Public Sources $29,914,540
Total Revenue $35,242,718
Program and Policy $7,936,683
General and Administrative $2,024,759
Direct Client Support $1,876,660
Development $1,161,440
Grant and Awards: Private $717,942
Subcontractor Expenses $11,224,558
Subcontractor Expenses - Pass through direct client support $9,679,098
Total Expenses $34,621,140
Change in Net Assets
Unrestricted Assets - Increase $841,070
Temporarily Restricted Assets - Decrease ($219,494)
Total Change in Net Assets $621,576

See AFCโ€™s audits and IRS form 990s here.